Step 1
The tools that are used to seal crimps also needs to be considered. There are two common crimp pliers, one that is for the general use for 2x3mm-3x3mm and the Mighty Crimper for the size of 3x3 and above. Mighty Crimpers are typically used for the thicker the gauge of the beading wire and the size of the crimp.

The structure of of the pliers are the same, but the size will be the difference, it will say Mighty Crimper on the handle of the pliers when being purchased. So before you crimp, make sure you are using the correct tools and the right parts of the pliers.

Step 2
The size of your crimp to use on jewelry will depend on the gauge of the beading wire, two wires should be able to pass through the holes of a crimp with enough space around it to be crimp.

Step 3
Insert the beading wire into the crimp and create a loop by coming back to the same hole of the crimp, make sure that you have enough loop space for movement for component that is going to be attached inside this loop. To have the enough space is to feel that there is no tension and friction against the wire and the component.

Step 4
Place the crimp with the beading wire into the far back notch of the crimper, this will be the lip shaped notch at the back of the pliers. Make sure all wires are in place before you secure.

Step 5
Before you clamp the first indentation check to see if all the wires are in their place. Secure the crimp by clamping the pliers with its handles and this will create an indentation to the crimp metal.

Step 6
Place the crimped metal piece on its side into the first notch of the crimp pliers. This notch is closer to the outer lip of the pliers. Check to make sure that the crimp is placed correctly on its side before it is sealed.

Step 7
Clamp the pliers until fully closed by using the handles of the pliers. Mind the pressure that you apply that the jaws of the pliers do not break the wires and the crimp bead.

Step 8
Once finished the crimp should look like a folded book and having the loop of the beading wire secured in its place, retaining its shape.
Successful crimping determines the longevity of your jewelry, it also offers a fast and secure way of finishing each piece.