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Looking to craft and create clean finishes and stops on your jewelry designs? Well, you’re in luck! With our selection of crimp beads and crimp tubes, your designs are going to look fabulous. When used in tandem with the various crimp tools we carry; our crimp beads and tubes can help you create perfectly executed stops and separators for your jewelry designs. Whether you’re looking to refine your necklaces, waist chains or artisan bracelet designs our crimp beads and tubes have got you covered. They are essential jewelry making supplies for every leader's arsenal!

We carry various shades of crimp beads and tubes like silver and gold. Our gold and silver crimp beads and crimp tubes will give your jewelry designs a master artisan quality. You’re going to have so much fun with these colors and be able to mix and match different color styles to match all of your custom designs. Here at The Bead Chest, we understand all of your unique jewelry making needs so we, also offer crimp beads and tubes in sizes 1.3mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, and 3.0mm.

Our many sizes of crimp beads and tubes work perfectly with our various crimper tools. Be sure to check out our Micro Crimp tool, our Standard Crimp tool, and our Mighty Crimp tool. Pairing our crimp tools with our crimp beads and tubes will help you achieve a highly stylized look in your jewelry designs. We can’t wait to see your intricately crafted designs once you start incorporating Crimp Beads!

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