Step 1
Measure 20 inches of elastic cord on fold.
Step 2
Insert the wire needle on the fold of the elastic.
Step 3
Lay out your beads in the desired pattern. For this design, we chose to alternate evenly between batik bone beads and brass spacer beads.
Step 4
Bead your pattern on the elastic, until you reach your desired length. Standard length for female stretch bracelets is 7.5 inches.
Note: Keep the gossamer elastic on the spool before cutting. This will prevent the beads from coming off the strand.
Step 5
Cut the end of the gossamer floss when your pattern is finished
Step 6
Make both ends of the beads and criss cross Gossamer beads to make a loop
Step 7
Wrap gossamer floss around the middle finger to make a loop.
Release loop.
Tighten knot to secure.
Step 8
Apply a dab of glue to the knot.
Step 9
Hide the knot inside one of the beads.
Step 10
Let glue dry for 5 minutes.
Step 11
Once dry, cut the extra elastic.
Step 12
Congratulations -- you're done!
Did you succeed in making this awesome bracelet? Share your comments below.